Saturday, February 19, 2011

Prep TIME!


I'm not much of a blogger, but a few days ago I took a challenge. A challenge to actually go a whole 30 days on the new nutrition fad: the Paleo Solution. This new string is not really new that it's based on the "ancients" supposed diets--veggies, fruits, & meats. For those of you hard core Paleo's, I know it's much more than just that, but I'm just starting out so don't cannibalize me yet. Now, naturally I'm not much of a competitive person, but being determined to actually go through with this, accountability is a big part of success in the life of a Creech! HA!

Tomorrow, February 20, 2011, I will begin my 30 day journey of the Paleo Solution (along with my dear friend, Meredith, who has already trekked this journey once and love it!) Under inspiration of a new dance friend, I'll be taking pictures of what I eat each day, sharing the recipes, and sharing the thoughts and struggles. Note, this is also my first attempt at blogging so it will be a neophyte cloud for the first few days. I hope you all might join me! It's going to be an interesting ride!

OH, and some thoughts behind the blog name are thus. Paleolithic means "prehistoric/stone" in greek..."lithos" :) Stone Challenge!

For now, here are some sites that define Paleo:

1 comment:

  1. White potatoes ARE the gateway carb, at least for me!!

    I am so proud of you! This will be the best decision you have made. You'll feel incredible. I promise!

